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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 3: Born Again

With his head

On my shoulder, my newborn son

Has fallen asleep. In the dark,

I hold him there, resting

My cheek on his forehead - a violinist

Who has put down his bow

And stands quietly overwhelmed

By his own music.

...In the Dark by Joe Salerno

Poetry is the art of not succeeding;

the art of making a little ritual

out of your own bad luck, lighting a little fire

made of leaves, reciting a prayer

in the ordinary dark.

... Joe Salerno

Some short poems with some deep thoughts.  Just what we need before we resurrect ourselves tomorrow.  Have your food blessed today.  Buy your last package of Peeps for the year.  Hold a baby if you can, just so that you can feel how beautiful birth and rebirth are.  Happy Holy Saturday.

Keep reading and writing,


1 comment:

  1. A lovely sentiment for the day. Thanks for tapping the legacy of Joe Salerno to make the point so much better than most of us couid hope to.
