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Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 12: Are we able to talk about Vietnam yet?

A half hour after the shots

the calls came through loud and clear.

My RTO handed me the receiver.

Congratulations. I was blooded.

The 1st and 3rd platoon leaders

radioed their approval. No longer

was I green like the jungle

in which I was buried.

Congratulations. I was blooded.

My platoon had recorded its first kill.

North Vietnamese regular. Pith helmet,

uniform, rubber-tire sandals

adorning a lifeless body.

One bullet cleanly through his forehead.

Congratulations. I was blooded.

The enemy was dead,

ambushed from behind a tree.

Odd there was no blood visible

draining from the body. Existence fled

when the bullet hit its target

but the only thing that bled

all over the jungle floor

was my innocence.

Congratulations. I was blooded.

...Blooded by Charles H. Johnson, Hillsborough

Today's selection from Charles H. Johnson, a veteran poet and a poet of veterans.  Sometimes it feels like we're all in some sort of war, as there is more innocence every day bleeding all over the jungle floor.

Keep reading and writing,


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